First Quarter 2024 Updates, Including a Special Report for Our Caldolor® Product

Overall, the first quarter proved to be a productive start to the year. Our Cumberland team remains dedicated to our mission of working together to provide unique products that improve the quality of patient care.

During the quarter, we shared a number of exciting company updates, including several growth opportunities for our portfolio of brands.

  • In March, a Special Report was published in Anesthesiology NewsGeneral Surgery News and Pharmacy Practice News presenting the growing amount of data supporting the use of our Caldolor® (ibuprofen) injection as a standard of care for the treatment of pain and fever in adults, children and infants as young as 3 months of age. 

As this new report states, comprehensive multimodal pain regimens have become key in preventing pain and optimizing pain control, while minimizing the need for opioids. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as Caldolor®, can provide a cornerstone for many treatment paradigms, and we are encouraged by the substantial database emerging from our studies in patients of all ages.

  • Our new manufacturing and distribution partner has successfully produced Vaprisol® in their facility. As we await FDA approval for making the branded product there, our partner is providing a special supply of compounded product in support of critically ill patients.
  • After successfully transferring manufacturing facilities for Sancuso®, we now look forward to begin shipping new supplies of our Cumberland-packaged product this year. We continue to feature Sancuso through our expanded oncology sales division to support patients by helping address certain side effects associated with their chemotherapy cancer treatments.
  • We are also continuing to sponsor a series of clinical programs to evaluate ifetroban – a potent and selective thromboxane receptor antagonist – in patients with unmet medical needs. We have initiated our newest clinical program in medical centers across the country and enrollment has now begun in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, the most common form of progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease.
  • Additionally, we continue to support our international partners in their efforts to register and launch our potent antibiotic Vibativ® in their countries, which can provide significant future catalysts for the brand.

Given the number of ongoing positive developments, we remain very optimistic about our company’s fundamentals and future, and we look forward to sharing further updates throughout the year.


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