First Quarter 2024 Updates, Including a Special Report for Our Caldolor® Product

Overall, the first quarter proved to be a productive start to the year. Our Cumberland team remains dedicated to our mission of working together to provide unique products that improve the quality of patient care. During the quarter, we shared a number of exciting company updates, including several growth opportunities for our portfolio of brands. […]
2023 Highlights, Including Expanded FDA Approval And New Study Publications

In many ways 2023 was a building year for Cumberland, as we continued to integrate our newest products, while also delivering several significant achievements. We took a fresh look at our mission statement during the year and refined it to better capture the spirit of what we do each day at Cumberland Pharmaceuticals. It now […]
Third Quarter 2023 Updates, Including Our New Mission Statement

During the third quarter, we refined our mission statement to better capture the spirit of what we endeavor to do each day here at Cumberland Pharmaceuticals. It now reads as follows: working together to provide unique products that improve the quality of patient care We took several factors into account in designing this statement. First, […]